• Webinar
    Sgwrs a Paned - Scott Tandy

    Something Interesting with Someone Interesting

About this event

A core part of Audit Wales’ Good Practice Exchange is to bring people together and facilitating the cross-pollination of ideas.

To further this aim, we have begun a series of self-contained sessions aimed at facilitating connections between interesting people, and sharing something interesting.

Our first session will feature Scott Tandy of Newydd Housing. As the (midfield?) dynamo behind GetFit Wales and the newly launched eCymru event platform, Scott will share how working collaboratively on both projects has resulted in not only improved services for the tenants of many housing associations in Wales, but also enabled staff between the associations themselves to collaborate effectively.

This session will be held on Zoom.


How do I register my interest?

Please complete your details on the booking form to the right of this page. We have a delegate privacy notice [opens in new window], telling you how we deal with your personal data as part of the registration process.

To contact the Good Practice Exchange team, please email good.practice@audit.wales.

Joining instructions are circulated 1-2 days before the event. Please ensure you provide your email address when booking a place to ensure that we can send information to you.

Further information about this event will be added soon