The Continued Independence of Older People

29 April 2015
not equals not equals
  • We held a free seminar with the Older People’s Commissioner and Good Practice Wales on the continued independence of older people.

    Video Transcript [Word 143KB Opens in new window]

    Wales has a population with the highest proportion of older people in the UK. Nearly one in five (19%) of the population of Wales is aged over 65 and over. This number is projected to increase by 50 per cent between 2012 and 2037, potentially posing increasing demands on health and social care services.

    In order to prevent escalation of these demands, public services need to change the way services are currently delivered and think about innovative and cost effective ways to ensure older people are given the best possible opportunities to maintain independent lives.

    This seminar provided examples of services which:

    • support older people in living independently in their own homes and communities
    • provide innovative solutions to social isolation and loneliness, and
    • provide creative approaches for much-needed lifelong learning opportunities.

    This seminar aimed to represent the voice of older people across Wales, so that they don’t feel isolated or discriminated against and that they receive the support and services they need.

    Who the event was aimed at

    This seminar was aimed at public and third sector managers and officers in the following areas:

    • health
    • social care
    • housing
    • fire and police authorities
    • central government
    • inspectorates
    • social enterprises/community groups



    1. Cylch Caron [PDF 2MB Opens in new window] - Teresa Owen, Hywel Dda University Health Board, Nerys Lewis and Parry Davies, Ceredigion Council
    2. Community Inclusion Small Grant Scheme [PDF 301KB Opens in new window] - Delyth Pridding, Wrexham County Borough Council
    3. Care and Repair Cymru [PDF 675KB Opens in new window] - Neil Williams, Care and Repair Cymru
    4. Pop up Library Service [PDF 1.6MB] - Christopher Edwards, Vale of Glamorgan Council


    1. Book of You [PDF 1.38MB Opens in new window] - Tom Barham, Book of You
    2. Digital Inclusion - Kevin Roberts, Digital Communities Wales (available by email)
    3. Denbighshire Falls Prevention Service [PDF 1.06MB Opens in new window] - Jane Boyd, Denbighshire County Council/ Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

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